Linux is an OS, that is not that commonly used for desktop machines, but is amongst the most widely used OSs for web servers. It is 100 % free, so you won't need to pay any license costs as part of your hosting payments. Linux is also regarded as the most risk-free Operating System around and thanks to the permissions which files have and the file types that can be run, virus files that may infect an average computer shall simply not be executed on a Linux-based hosting server. Additionally, the Operating System is freeware, so it can easily be altered with no restrictions, so that it will suit the needs of the hosting provider and their clients. This also implies that unneeded software packages could be removed to make the Operating system lighter and swifter, which could directly lead to significantly better hosting server performance. A lot of Linux machines have the Apache web server installed on them, because this piece of software is also totally free, quick and secure. It is the most widely used web server out there and is an element of the LAMP bundle that lots of script apps, like WordPress and Joomla, need. LAMP is an abbreviation for Linux, Apache, MySQL and PHP.

Stable Linux with Apache in Hosting

All the servers which are an element of our revolutionary cloud web hosting platform run Linux in order to ensure their fast and stable functioning, which will in turn lead to far better overall site performance. That is valid for each site that you host inside a hosting account with our company. Every single part of the hosting service (email messages, databases, files) will be taken care of by its own cluster of machines, so only one type of processes will run on a particular web server, which will contribute to the amazing loading speed of your websites even more. You may use HTML, PHP, JavaScript, Python, Perl and just about any other web development language for your sites, because they all can run on a Linux hosting server. In addition we use the Apache web server, because our experience through the years indicates that it is probably the best piece of software of its kind.

Stable Linux with Apache in Semi-dedicated Servers

The semi-dedicated server accounts that we provide are set up on a progressive platform where the files, the databases, the stats, the Control Panel, etc., are addressed by independent clusters of servers. The use of this custom made architecture is possible because we have set up a highly personalized Linux distribution on the machines and we can take full advantage of all the merits which the Operating System offers, such as the possibility to use in-house built software solutions like our Hepsia Control Panel. The final result is an incredibly powerful and dependable web hosting service which will ensure high-end functionality for your websites. For even greater overall performance, we have decided to use Apache, due to the fact that it supports a considerable amount of modules and it can be adjusted in line with our needs also. You'll be able to use just about any popular scripting language with our custom hardware and software setup, and enjoy a fast, uninterrupted web hosting service.