Unlike some years ago when Internet sites were almost exclusively static, the standard nowadays is to have a feature-rich, dynamic website. Not everybody can build this sort of website from scratch though, so the most convenient solution to have a dynamic site is to use a script app. Many web hosting providers offer script installers you can use to add this sort of an app for any of your domain or subdomains, so you'll not have to install anything manually. The best thing about using an installer tool is the fact that the scripts are available to use in just a few minutes and the copy which will be set up is already with the settings needed for it to run adequately on the specific hosting server, so you will not have to modify any script or account settings. That way you can effortlessly create one with simply a couple of clicks even if you have never had a website before.

1-click Applications Installer in Hosting

The 1-click script installer which we offer is available with every Linux hosting totally free. You can pick from 50+ applications that will allow you to build any kind of Internet site - an Internet shop, a forum, a personal portfolio or a picture gallery. All you should do is to pick a script and a domain address, enter the login details for the administration area that you want to have and that is it! Within a couple of minutes our system will install that script and you will be able to sign in to the back office to begin building the site. There's no limit how many scripts you can install or how many copies of a certain script you may use at a time and you can access the installer through your hosting Control Panel. With our tool, you can forget about spending money on web design services as you can create a professional and dynamic site with ease.

1-click Applications Installer in Semi-dedicated Servers

If you acquire a semi-dedicated server account from our company, you are going to be able to use our 1-click script installer, that will be available in your hosting CP. With simply a couple of mouse clicks you will be able to create any kind of site - an on-line shop, a forum, an online social network or a personal blog. We have over fifty script apps such as Joomla, Moodle and WordPress, and some of them include a great number of templates which you can use. The installer is really user-friendly - select a script and a domain address, pick the admin login details that you want to have for the script back office and then click the Install button. A few minutes later you'll be able to log in to the back office and start building your website. All scripts and the web themes for them are provided free of charge.